Raccoons are the most active during nighttime.

2.1 Raccoons May Come out In the Day if They’re Hungry.1.3 Raccoons Are Nocturnal and Prefer Dawn and Dusk.1.2 Raccoons Become Less Active In Cold Months.1.1 Raccoons Avoid Being Seen By Moving In The Dark.Do not approach or feed a raccoon that appears friendly. No matter how friendly or timid raccoons are around humans, these animals can still have diseases. They may even try interacting with humans. Other raccoons might be comfortable enough with human activity to come out during the daytime. Anywhere dry, warm, and dark makes a great den for the raccoon. When inactive, raccoons sleep in their dens. When in need, raccoon parents will sometime venture out of their den in the daytime to move their babies, if a new hiding place is needed and if they did not complete den moving during the nighttime.

An active raccoon could be traveling from its den to look for food. Not all raccoons active during the daytime are sick. Raccoons may leave their dens in the daytime because they need food, are traveling, or if they are sick. The nocturnal animal does not typically come out during the daytime unless required for survival. Raccoons are the most active during the nighttime when they are secure from predators.